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Nobody Writes the Date Right

So this is a habit I picked up from the incredible XKCD this will be hard for you take but YOU ARE ALL DOING WRITING YOUR DATES WRONG. It's pretty simple, today is the 14th of April in 2017, if you're European that's 14/04/17 if you're American it's 04/14/17 but according to ISO 8601 it should be 2017/04/14.

It's simple numbers we're taught it all as children in base 10 numbers i.e. 0 to 9, the highest integer is expressed on the right so two thousand, five hundred and eighty three is expressed as 2583, if we used the European date format that comes out as 3852 and even worse like the American date format 5283, way to go America shit like this is why you don't use the metric system.

So apologies to database admins, they use this constantly in databases which brings us to why this is useful, in a database time can be expressed to the millisecond in one string 2017041415283350. Now obviously this won't work in a 32 bit environment but you knew that.
And now you know why my dates are funny on my posts. Next time on shit you didn't need to know, how to make sour dough bread from your thrush infection.

1 comment:

  1. Genuine LOL moment here!
    I want to see this on youtoob ~ complete with pictograms, MIDI style soundtrack and cartoons with their accompanying sound effects!:D .... apart from the last two lines.
